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I'm Molly, a wedding + family photographer based in connecticut

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February 25, 2019

Blog readers, meet Maison, one of the most photogenic almost-one-year-olds I’ve ever met. His mom emailed me a few weeks ago about a mommy and me session at Short Beach, and I was obviously excited about it! Maison will be one in March, and he is the most perfectly plump little guy you’ve ever seen. […]

February 22, 2019

Let me just tell you about those Ranger Mamas. They are SO strong. Their husbands are gone often on deployments and extended training events and yet they hold everything together. They learn quickly how to handle everything, and they do it over and over. There is no “you take this shift, I’ll take the next […]

February 22, 2019

Want to know one of my favorite things about being a photographer? Well, aside from the many different people I meet, it’s watching those people go through life’s changes and transitions and being there to document it all. I first met Mary when her son’s dad and my husband were in the same unit in […]

February 22, 2019

Whenever we move somewhere, and we do this often (5 times in 5 years, to be exact), the first thing I do in a new place is search for a quiet place near the water. I need the water, and I always have. I need the quiet, I need the changing tides, I just need […]

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